Costi wrote:Nothing like a dozen friends eating a simple but well-made pasta, with a glass of wine (no two glasses the same), using old disparate tableware (nobody remembers which piece comes from where), sitting in a tiny garconierre on the edge of the bed, on chairs, on the floor, anywhere - having a good time. With the 300 euro you would spend on engraved (?!) tableware, you could have maybe 10 such memorable dinners with friends. Promise them an unforgettable evening and ask them to bring a fork - there is your heirloom silverware with great stories to tell
You have plenty of time to spend big money on cutlery later on, when money is less of an issue. Good things come to those who wait, including silverware

When I have a woman over I want her to be able to drink some good (inexpensive

) wine from my parent's old Crystal Glasses, take some bread from a nice silver tray, eat with a knife and a fork unlike those she sees in restaurants and at everyone else's place, be able to use a 70 year old cotton napkin like they don't make them anymore (No it doesn't look dirty or old, it is well taken care of) instead of a paper towel. It may seem formal or stiff but want to be able to receive friends, family and everyone else in a nice environment which is representative of a certain lifestyle which I can't really afford but follow anyway.
davidhuh wrote:Hello,
suggest one of the following:
- go to a big department store during sales
- check WMF stores
- try ebay
Some silverware manufacturers have a high quality stainless steel range. Scandinavian or German designs would be my favourites.
Good luck, david
I found a French manufacturer called Guy Degrenne, I wonder if their stuff is any good? The german designers are quite expensive.
What is WMF?