Tie with black suit

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Fri Oct 14, 2022 11:03 am

Dear all,

I know that black is not the most typical colour for a suit and usually reserved for dinner jackets, morning coats or evening tails. However, I am having a non black tie black three piece suit being made with the idea of using it to cocktails, non-black tie receptions and the theater.

However, I don’t know what tie to wear with it. I don’t want a long black tie as it looks boring. I was thinking that some jacquard ties will work well but couldn’t think of anything else. Do you have any suggestions?

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Fri Oct 14, 2022 3:01 pm

My first suggestion is to rethink your plan. A black suit will not look as elegant as you think it will. If it's not too late, switch to charcoal grey. The London Lounge grey shadow stripe is also a much better alternative.

But, if you insist on proceeding with black, I recommend a silver and black small houndstooth or PoW pattern. Sam Hober used to have a PoW silk with a small red deco in it—a very nice, discreet look.
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Fri Oct 14, 2022 10:00 pm

I second both of Andrew's suggestions above. If you have black hair and strong features, you might pull off the black suit, but in any case a shirt and tie that bring some luminosity to frame the face will help things. Here's a photo posted several years ago by our member RichardS that have always thought exemplary in a couple of ways - colors that enhance his own coloring; lifting a dark suit with a very pale blue or white shirt and, as Andrew suggests, the silver-and-black glen check "wedding" tie (in this case with an ice blue deco). It is true that I've always been partial to char-blue for suitings, so I might be biased. Good luck!


- couch
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Fri Oct 14, 2022 10:02 pm

Wedding ties in general. Maybe a bolder pattern of squares.
Posts: 189
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Sat Oct 15, 2022 4:25 am

Thank you very much for the suggestions. I do have my heart set on the black suit and it’s already in progress. I believe I have enough colour in my skin and dark features to pull it off.

Here’s how it should look when finished: https://www.flickr.com/gp/188106917@N07/9Jj7919k98

The silver / wedding tie suggestions are great! I will find a nice POW tie and go with it. Perhaps a houndstooth as well.

Thank you!
Posts: 2649
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Sat Oct 15, 2022 7:58 am

Samhober.com and Cappelli have plenty of options there.
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Tue Oct 18, 2022 8:33 am

I can`t remember that posting.. :) Even though the face has gotten some patina since posting the suit still fits.... :lol:
couch wrote:
Fri Oct 14, 2022 10:00 pm
I second both of Andrew's suggestions above. If you have black hair and strong features, you might pull off the black suit, but in any case a shirt and tie that bring some luminosity to frame the face will help things. Here's a photo posted several years ago by our member RichardS that have always thought exemplary in a couple of ways - colors that enhance his own coloring; lifting a dark suit with a very pale blue or white shirt and, as Andrew suggests, the silver-and-black glen check "wedding" tie (in this case with an ice blue deco). It is true that I've always been partial to char-blue for suitings, so I might be biased. Good luck!


- couch
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