Pistachio Granita with Brioche

Mulberry Cremolata with a scoop of dark chocolate Gelato and Panna

Down she goes...

And yes....after years and years of waiting, here we can finally see Mr. Michael Alden, of famous repute in sartorial and style matters, wearing a Yankees baseball cap at an Italian cafe. The world is coming to an end
I couldn't agree more. Not being anything of a drinker, I take my breakfasts seriously - but Im usually too rushed. I make a batch of proper Seville orange marmalade every February and that is at least a thread of civility that makes even toast-on-the-run bearable.rodes wrote:Breakfast is my favorite meal, but I am a true American and that means it has to be a true breakfast. Of course a full English (Scottish, Irish) counts as equal and perhaps even better. As for the way they breakfast in France and Italy, well that is just wrong. Spent three weeks in Italy in late winter. I just loved the country and everything about it, especially the food from noon on. Before noon, I thought I would starve.
From my years lived in London I learnt that the closest thing to a perfect breakfast for the gentleman-in-a-rush was the Victorian kedgeree. It combines white flaky fish, chopped hard boiled egg and creamy rice seasoned with curry and parsley, in a nutritious and balanced mix of proteins, carbs, and fats. It can be prepared well in advance and eaten hot or cold.Melcombe wrote: I take my breakfasts seriously - but Im usually too rushed.
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