It's a little strange that he is now (to some) equated with fogey-ish dressing. I suppose this is on account of the fact that he was the face of the Establishment just when everyone else was tuning in / dropping out in the 60's. I suspect that in his own circles, he was at the cutting edge.

(I do like the birdseye texture of this last one.)
Can anyone help discover who his tailor was?
*Edit :
Just saw this too :
Source :~ Apparel Arts Summer 1936 issue (Volume VI, Number IV)‘Fashion Forecast
Captain Eden’s White Waistcoat
When any individual is as much photographed and as frequently newsreeled as Capt. Anthony Eden, British Foreign Secretary, and in addition possesses as excellent taste as does Captain Eden, the combination of those two factors is bound to place him in the fashion limelight. As an example of Captain Eden’s influence on dress, mention need only be made of the black Homburg hat which he has done so much to popularize. And the same stimulus which he gave to the black Homburg is also being exerted by him now on behalf of another important fashion – the white linen single breasted waistcoat with small collar. Captain Eden, of course, is not alone in favoring this fashion, which he wears in London during the spring and summer, inasmuch as many young Londoners also wear the white waistcoat. But it is Captain Eden’s sponsorship of the fashion which makes it assume importance as a distinctly promising item for the spring and summer months. Some well dressed men in this country also wear the light weight linen waistcoat for business during the summer, and with this backlog of acceptance it is likely that Captain Eden’s endorsement of the fashion will carry it to more widespread popularity.’