My German (Austrian) was not the one man, self contained and self perpetuating cult of the personality that you incorrectly describe. Nudity was not “his style.” His nakedness simply clothed him in that self naked of all self consciousness. Self consciousness, not over confidence, is the style cancer that rankles the hearts of your fretting, neurotic, and anonymous poseur e-friends.
RJ, in real life, attractive, self confident men get whatever they want and more than they can handle. Its unfair but that's just the way it is. And the real style ill that needs remedy, the one that affects almost all men, is not over confidence but fearful doubting and timidity.
Your general formulation is akin to construing “masculine toxicity” from just being a male. It is extreme. Having individual style is not solipsistic. Like all other forms of individualism, it is most certainly reprehensible, bourgeois and reactionary. And as the market nears 30K, yes, it is clearly the last vestige of a dying, corrupt culture.

And, yes, people who are self obsessed are rarely stylish. And those who are self obsessed in a vacuum, we call them narcissists, are even less apt to embody style. But from what I have seen in my life, there are more men around suffering from lack of confidence than the few very rare specimens who might be pathologically deluded by it.
Though you will resist the idea to your last breath and construe new arguments with even more improbable examples from fiction against it, the fact remains, Brummel was right, the Man makes the clothes. Nothing to be done about it. And for the Man to shine he must develop his own individual style.
Don’t drink the Selosse too cold. And cheer up!