Some of you are too young to remember her and that’s a pity.

She was a true individual, an original and as it turns out she was probably as influential a style icon as the Prince of Wales in her own way. She had a thing about wearing men’s clothing in a time when such a thing created social shockwaves, and not just style tremors.
And yet because she was so natural about it, the force of her personality was so strong, she was so convinced of her self, and as a consequence of her style, that it all worked.
She was a real style icon, unafraid, willing to put her self on stage and screen challenging established communities of thought every high heel step of the way. And she did so with true panache.
No, this was no homely wall flower blogger broadcasting from their parent’s basements and opining on a style we have never and will never see. This was a person who, like most truly stylish people, possessed great amounts of courage. Not at all the type to be cowed by convention, political correctness or conformist doctrine from any political handbook.
And if you want a taste of real acting, the kind that only courageous individuals can pull up from themselves and set out on display in front of millions, then take a look and admire:
You won’t see much better. She holds the stage right with the enormous Welles and gives him plenty back.
So, have courage, don’t hide, and never allow yourself to be influenced by the shirking and the fearful.