alden wrote:....Well according to Oscar Wilde it is a "well tied tie."
cropped_MI-oscar-wilde-black-and-white by
The London Lounge, on Flickr
And in so many ways he was right. Start your life in custom tailoring with a well tied tie. Then have a shirt collar crafted that sets the silk jewel in a proper setting. And have the shirt crafted to support the collar. Then and only then have your jacket made to fit you and your shirt. And finally have a topcoat made to fit the jacket.
By working from the inside out in this way, you will guarantee good fit, harmony and balance to your image. And you can't do better than don't try.
"Be yourself, everyone else is taken."
Thank you, Oscar, mmm Mr. Wilde, sir. But that brand of antiquated reactionary individualism gets serious pushback these days.
Ours is the era of communal style and group think. You know the kind that kept mankind believing the earth was flat and the center of the Universe until Individuals risked the Inquisition of their day to prove otherwise.
Ill have to respectfully disagree with this post.
The vast majority of people should not be themselves because they are just awful at it. Individualism automatically leads to communal style and group think because it promotes 'everyone being themselves' meaning no standards are upheld. This automatically brings about a regression as society aims to behave like the lowest common denominator. How is an elite formed in this system? Someone from the formless mass decides to sell them something. The problem is the vast mob of people never really know what they want, so this salesman sells them some trinket of garbage. Suddenly he becomes wealthy doing so, and is elevated to 'elite' status in the society. We are told what a genius they are and their opinions are repeated daily on TV. Yet this doesn't change his nature as a merchant of trash. America promoted a 'cult of the individual' all over, and we have shameful mediocrity and regression as a result of it. As long as the individual feels good in whatever he is doing, he is not to be criticized. Error has become the standard.
Think about the internet. As soon as the formless mass of individuals 'being themselves' got on board, quality tanked and it became the cesspool it is today.
The old world with all its flaws had style and elegance because it was set by people who were expected to be better than the formless mass of individuals. The aristocracy set the standard even by distancing themselves from the 'rest' and people had something to look up too. There was a hierarchy in place where one could turn to, to learn how to improve. Today because of American individualism, the rabble set the standard and we are all forced to look downwards. Culturally it has been an unmitigated disaster. Even when one wears a finely tailored garmet, the rabble immediately scoff at supposed elitism. A hoodie and torn jeans as respectable attire are the product of American freedom.
On the other points, mankind actually never believed the earth was flat, that was a Whig half truth promoted by the Whig oligarchy in the Anglo countries to discredit Catholics.