“Give me an affogato frappuccino upside down with caramel, hazelnut macchiato cookies and creme espresso mixed with some captain crunch skinny dark blond drip espresso on ice in a short.”
If you are a European or spend a lot of time in Europe or were born before 1960 you probably just know to say “a coffee, please.” And you reasonably expect to get a cup of various sizes that contain various quantities of a hot mocha colored substance packed with caffeine.

Well the Americans have invented and just love this kind of micro ordering senseless harangue and you hear it in faux coffee shops, in restaurants, in bars, in hardware stores, in fact just about anywhere that sells anything. And when these laundry list orders show up in the LL Cloth Club things get bogged down, over studied, a lot of effort for little to no gain…. in France we call this kind of futile effort “sodomizing a fly.” Buzz Buzz BUZZ!
Herding cats is loads of fun and getting some guys to decide on a cloth design is even more of a challenge. Somehow, after monumental effort and reams of posts with all the nano specifications left burning in a heap, we somehow join together and actually make things. I don’t know how, but we do.
It would be great to be able to make 1m each of 60 designs to make a 60m order but it doesn't work like that. We need fifteen to twenty guys to agree to make 60m of one design.....and not walk out steaming because the Cap'n Crunch was missing from the mix.

Things were so much simpler before I decided to have discussions like the Fall 2018 one. In the future, I will do like I used to and propose a series of designs and let the weaves and wefts fall were they may.

Thanks for you time and patience.